In need of some extra cash? We’ve got you covered! Here is our list of 10 easy ways to earn extra cash before the holidays.
1. Wait Tables/Bartend
Have free time on nights and weekends? Waiting tables or bartending could be a good fit. The service industry is known for flexible work schedules and the opportunity to take home cash after each shift. This is great way to meet people and earn some supplemental income.
2. Seasonal Retail
During the busy holiday season, retailers nationwide mass hire staff to cover the increased traffic. Holidays are the perfect time to pick up a second job at your local mall, just in time to fatten up your own holiday shopping budget. *Extra perk: most retailers will offer an employee discount!
3. Get Crafty:
Utilize your special talent(s) and get paid for it. Whether your hobby is painting, knitting, or jewelry making –capitalize on it! Sell your products online or at a local pop-up shop. Who knows, it could snowball into a booming side-business!
4. Garage Sale
Declutter your space and make a profit at the same time by hosting a garage sale. This is a fun and easy way to cash in old household items you no longer use.
5. Sell Online
If hosting a garage sale is just not your style, try selling those items online. There are many online hosting sites where you can sell your unwanted gently used personal items. This is a quick and easy way to find a new home for things you no longer need.
6. Take Surveys
Have access to a computer? Select businesses pay their consumers to take online surveys concerning their products. By registering online to participate in paid surveys, you have the potential to earn around $50-$150/month in cash or free promotional products. *(As there are many online survey sites out there, we urge you to research the legitimacy of each survey company.)
7. Product Distributor
Have you ever thought about becoming a certified product distributor? The possibilities in this field are as broad as your interests. You can sell beauty products, health products, fitness plans, jewelry and more. Duel marketing companies offer their consumers the chance to profit on their products by selling to their friends and family. Enjoy your favorite products while collecting an extra income.
8. Secret Shopper
Hotels, restaurants, movie theaters, rental communities, retailers and other establishments often hire “Mystery Shoppers” to report their experience while shopping at a given business. Secret shoppers get paid to enjoy their favorite foods and activities.
9. Collect Loose Change
Remember the days where you tossed your pennies and dimes in a piggy bank? Remember the extra $100 you would count at the end of the month? Get back to the basics in acquiring extra spending money by setting aside your spare change on a regular basis. You’ll be surprised how much those silver coins will add up to be!
10. Babysit/House Sit/ Pet Sit
Take your pick! Ask your family, friends, and neighbors if they need any help minding their children, home, or pets. Lending a helping hand is great way to help someone else out while also making that extra money (not to mention fun)!